Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Gray Face"

As stated in my earlier musings, art is cathartic to me. It is better than anything else I know. When stress begins to mount in my mind; when the darkness encroaches; when my thoughts race and I begin to believe that I really truly must be going insane, I paint. This is certainly not the only reason I paint--sometimes painting is light and fun for me--but this kind of painting is essential. I would be a different person entirely without the ability to release my fears, my joys, my pains, my hopes, my memories out on paper. This is one of those paintings, I don't know that it is the best example, but it is one nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. I just realized that when I redid my has the same color scheme as yours. It was entirely unintentional...thanks for sharing your thoughts about painting. It is therapy...I completely agree.
