Monday, April 6, 2009


Inspired by Henri Matisse, I thought I would try something new and do a piece with cut paper. I painted solid areas of color in watercolor on watercolor paper, and then cut pieces out. It was a miserable failure. Not only did it stress me out--it was way too tedious for my liking--but I could not seem to come up with anything that seemed to work. Finally, after much toiling this weekend, one large piece intrigued me enough to post. The curvilinear shapes in this one appealed to me. I was also interested by the varying shadows this piece created when placed on a white piece of paper. The paper curls up slightly, which created dramatic shadows in some areas, and barely a hint of a shadow in others.

1 comment:

  1. Rosemary, this is the kind of imaginative exploration and play tha twill lead somewhere worthwhile if you don't give up... it is easy to be deceived into abandoning good directions because we can't see where it is headed or will lead to or we just don't understand .... it's similar to faith.. faith is the evidence of things hoped for the substance of things not seen... great job!
